Here I am, trying to do my homework, but for some reason everything else seems so much more fun to do right now. What a week in store for us! I have my last week of school, so needless to say I have a lot of work to do in the next couple of days (10 papers-some smaller than others- and 1 presentation). My last night at Rick's is going to be on Wednesday. They are afraid I am not coming back. (I would love not to go back, and I am working on it with my Mary Kay business) Thursday is my last day of school, Joe's birthday, and there is a concert I have to go to for school. Friday, I work and I have to clean up the house for my guests. Saturday I pick up my mom and dad from the airport and then we are going to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary (Congrats on 30 years on December 6th)! Sunday is the big Colts game, Joe's birthday celebration, and my Mary Kay debut party! Wow. At least my mind won't be on the surgery. I am too busy!
We had the pre-surgery consultation with my doctor on Friday. Here are the details:
Basically, the tumor is the size of a newborn's head. I have to go through some prep in case they nick some inside stuff when they are in there (not fun!). I have to be on a liquid diet the day before and no eating after midnight. I am going to the hospital (Community North) at 7am on Tuesday morning. I have to get a shot in my spine for pain. The surgery should last a few hours. If everything goes the way it should I should be able to leave the hospital sometime on Thursday. I can't drive for two weeks, and I can't lift anything heavy for six weeks. Sounds like a fun Christmas break!
I am not as worried as I used to be. As my friend
Teb says, the human body is a remarkable thing. The way it can heal itself. I just want this thing to be out, so Joe and I can move on with our lives and work on our future. I wanted to say thank you to our family and friends who have been so supportive throughout this whole ordeal. I thank God every night for the great support system we have.
I love all of you!