Grace taking a look at Eli through the doggie gate. (Check out her cute onesie)

Eli (5 months) Isn't he getting big?

Grace giving me her toothy smile. (She has 2 bottom teeth now!)
It has been a while since I posted last, and I apologize. It seems like I don't have any extra time on my hands anymore since school started. Well, since the last post, I have quit my old job, found a new job, and I am inching closer to student teaching. I only have 2 more weeks of school before student teaching, and then I will be done. I am really getting excited. I love my kindergarten class. We get to sing songs and play and learn our alphabet together. I am enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. I have a lot of homework to do in the next couple of weeks, but then I won't have to worry about any other course work until December. I have been subbing a lot lately. I have actually been requested to sub for the first time, and I am really excited about that. In fact, I am subbing two more times next week at that school. This will hopefully come in handy when I start looking for a permanent teaching job.
Joe is doing well. He went to the allergy doctor last week and they are progressing on helping him be more comfortable during the allergy season. He is going to have to have shots for a few years, but then they are thinking he will be 90% allergy free after that. If you know Joe, you know what a great thing this will be for him. Joe is also training a new partner next month. One of his friends from our fantasy football league is going to be working with him. He is excited to be getting help with his caseload.
Eli is growing up fast. He is almost five months, and he weighs about fifty pounds. He is doing really well in his novice training class, and is one of the best dogs there. His father is very proud.
Grace's first birthday is coming up fast. We were lucky enough to watch her today while Andy and Emily went to the Colts game. She came dressed in her Colts gear that Joe and I got for her. I will post some pictures. She is super cute. Eli was a little jealous of the attention that we gave her, but he was still a very good puppy.
There hasn't been any more updates on the big Headrick wedding. I will let you know what Michelle and M.J. decide. I am still hoping that they will have a wedding!
Happy Birthday Grandma (Her birthday was on the 22nd.)
Well that's the latest.