Today Andy, Emily, and I took Grace to the zoo for the first time. We met up with Grace's grandpa Gerry and Sheri, and her cousin Shelby. I had a great time watching Shelby really enjoy herself. I remembered taking her to the zoo when she was about Grace's age. Grace was more interested in Shelby than the animals, but she enjoyed herself anyways. What a great day it was to spend at the zoo.
Joe is playing out a lot. Tonight he had a big show somewhere. I should probably know where, but I can't keep track. He is really excited about the homeless walk that he is helping with on Sunday. We all plan on going and participating in some way or another.
A Call To Arms benefit for Teb's Troops is tomorrow night. We are all excited to participate in such a great cause. I will post some pictures of the event as soon as I can.
I am done with school. I have 3 more papers to write by Tuesday, but my classes are over for the semester. Only one more to go! I found out that I will be doing my last student teaching assignment in a kindergarten class. (I have mixed emotions about this). I bet I fall in love with them.
Gotta get to bed!
Adventures in Babysitting.
Grace and I celebrated our first day together with formula and a grand walk on the Monon. It was great being able to spend time with my beautiful niece. Her personality is really showing through. She is such a happy person! She is smiling almost non-stop. In fact, she got a little fussy, and I was worried because I haven’t ever seen her like that before. After doing some research, I realize that she was just being a six month old. Silly Aunt Kathy!
Gracie's first Easter!

Here is a Hodson family photo with Grace! Our first one of many. Easter was great, we went up to SouthBend, Indiana for a wedding shower. While we were able to congratulate MaryPat and McDowell on thier upcomming wedding, the family was able to meet Grace for the first time. It was a great weekend. (minus the big hail storm that put a few dents in my brand new car)!
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