Well, I haven't posted in a while. I am actually on fall break today, so I thought I would give everyone an update. Student teaching is going great. I only have six weeks left, and I am in love with my kindergarten. I was wrong in thinking I wouldn't like to teach kindergarten, I do! And now, the job search begins! Wish me luck.
Eli is doing well, he had his surgery this past week, and you wouldn't know it by looking at him. Besides a small shaved patch of fur on his leg, he doesn't show signs of surgery. He has so much energy. We aren't able to take him to the dog park for a week, and it shows. He has too much energy for a five and a half month old.
Joe is doing well. We are in football season mode. Our Colts are doing well. Not as well as I would like, but they are still undefeated. Joe and I will make our first Colts game of the season this Sunday (vs. the Redskins). I will be sure to take pictures. I got a really cute camera for my birthday, and I am anxious to try it out!
Grace turned one on the 12th. Here are a few pictures of her birthday party. She was as cute as ever. And... She has taken her first steps! Joe and I went over to drop something off at Andy's and Em's house and she showed us how it was done! She is amazing!
Alrighty, I have to go. I promised myself I would have my resume done by the end of fall break so I need to work on it.