

Our Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. We spent the day in Noblesville with the Hodsons. We were very thankful not to travel this year, because I have been sick for the past 2 1/2 weeks. I have caught about every flu bug, cold, and infection one could possible contract in the past month. I am now very thankful that both Joe and I are feeling better (Joe had food poisoning on Sunday and Monday and was very sick). We are very thankful for our health.

Eli is now 7 months old, and is a ball of energy. We are bringing him to the dog park every chance we can get and have made a lot of friends with the other dog owners. We are very lucky to be living in Broadripple with other people our age. Eli is looking forward to spending a week at the Doggie Spa while we travel to Idaho for Christmas. They have a doggie camera that we can look at if we get separation anxiety while away for such a long time.

Joe turns 30 in a few days. I am not sure how he feels about it. At one point he said he didn't care, and then another time he was freaking out so I am not sure what he is feeling these days. I am graduated as of December 5th (a big week for our household with Joe's birthday on the 8th). Now I begin the stressful job of finding a job. I have fallen in love with kindergarten and now I want to teach it, so pray that our legislature votes for a full day kindergarten program to go into affect next year! I might find a job that way.

Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving.




Chicago Pictures

Emily lounging on our very comfy beds.
Amy, Kat, and Emily at our hotel before the musical.
After dinner and drinks at The Chop House.
Maureen and I trying to open a bottle of wine at the hotel with this little wine opener thingy. We really wanted a glass of wine!
Amy and Maureen.

Bad Blogger


I know...I am a bad blogger. Some of you might have thought that my kids have finally gotten the better of me. And in a way they have. I no longer have time to do the little things in life that I was used to before student teaching. For instance, I haven't been paying my bills on time. I haven't been cleaning the house. I haven't gone on a date night with my husband. MaryKay... forget about it. Student teaching sucks the life and energy right out of you! I have been working 60+ hours a week on my lessons, and everything else needed to teach kindergarten. What do I have to show for it? The flu, a cold, and a bond with some of the most wonderful little 5 and 6 year olds in the world. I LOVE IT!!!! Sure I don't have time right now, but I am so thankful that I love what I am doing. I have never been more happy in my work in my entire life. I am also very thankful that I have a husband who understands why I put in the hours that I put in. Thank you Joe!

Joe and Eli are doing great! We are looking forward to the holiday season...Thanksgiving in Noblesville, and Christmas in Idaho! We both took the time out of our schedules to vote on Tuesday, and we are pretty excited about the results! Joe had the day off yesterday to observe Veterans day. I would like to thank my grandfathers for both serving in the military and providing a life for their grandchildren that is much better than it would have been. Thank you!

The Hodson women took a trip to Chicago two weeks ago. We were fortunate enough to see a performance of the musical Wicked. If you ever have the opprotunity to see this musical I would highly recommend it. It is nothing like the book, but it is spectacular. We had a great time, and I will post some pictures from the weekend.

I am working on quilting with the kids this week. Wish me luck!
