
The Tickle Monster

Andy and Emily must roll around on the floor with Grace, because the other night I was just sitting there minding my own business when Grace tackled me. She then proceeded to tickle me and she actually told me, "Your not the boss of me!" I think she picked that up from daycare. She is definitely in her terrible twos. She is a fun little girl. You can't help but to smile when she is around.



We lost a wonderful man this week. Gerry Wagner passed away surrounded by his family early Sunday morning. He was a part of my extended familly here in Indiana. I will miss him greatly. He was a great father to Gretchen and Emily, and a wonderful grandfather to Shelby and Grace. He was also a great friend to Joe and I. Please keep Sherri, Emily, Andy, and Gretchen in your thoughts and prayers.

Tough Week

It has been a rough week, but finally a bit of good news. Check out Brainy Girl's blog for a bit of good news!