
1 Month Doctor's Well Visit

Jonah had his 1 month doctor's visit on Friday. He weighed in at an astonishing 11 pounds 4 ounces! He is a chunky chunkster. He is 21 1/2 inches long (30th percentile), his head is in the 20th percentile, but his weight is in the 76th percentile! I was a little worried about all the weight he has gained, but the doctor said not to worry at all that he is perfect and healthy! Jonah and I had a great week. We visited with Sharri and Grace on Friday and went out to eat. We had Grandma and Grandpa Hodson over for dinner last night, and tomorrow we are going to an Indians game to celebrate Grandpa Hodson's birthday. Joe is in for a wild week as he gets sworn in as a federal agent on Monday and works 12 hours every day next week. Eli, Jonah, and I will hold down the fort. Keep checking out the blog as I add more pictures and video's from Jonah's life!


The First Month

I can't believe that Jonah is one month old already. The month went by so fast. He is growing everyday. He has his one month checkup on Friday, I can't wait to see how much he weighs. He has given me a few smiles, but I'm not convinced that he did it on purpose. He is starting to notice his surroundings more everyday. In fact, today he looked at himself in the mirror for the first time. I wonder what he was thinking? I am continually amazed at how well behaved he is. He only cries when he is gassy, hungry, or needs to be changed. I wish his sleeping pattern was a little more consistent, but overall I think we have it easy for a newborn. We had a great time this Memorial Day Weekend. We had a grill off at the Hodson's, while Grace enjoyed the sprinkler. Jonah was passed out all day (and up all night to compensate). Here are some pictures!


The Third Week

I can't believe he is already three weeks old. He is growing very quickly and he is eating like a whale. We had a great week. My parents flew back in town on Saturday. We spent Mother's Day at the Marriott and had a great Mother's Day Brunch. It was very special to me to celebrate my very first Mother's Day with my mom. I am very lucky to have such a great family and such great in-laws. Joe gave me a watch which I absolutely love. Jonah is doing great. His eye infection is in the past, he is eating very well, and he is sleeping great for the most part. I can't wait to weigh him again at the next doctor's visit. I am betting he gained a lot of weight. My parents have helped out a lot this week. My wonderful mother has made us several casseroles that are now filling up the freezer. I know that those will come in handy this next week. I am so thankful that my parents were able to spend time with Jonah while he is young. WIth them living so far away our visits are not as frequent as I would like. With their help I have been able to get a lot of sleep. I am a little afraid of what will happen after they leave. I will be truly on my own. Joe went back to work this week. I think that he was glad to get back to reality, but I know he missed being with Jonah and I. I am going to need to develop some kind of schedule. I hope to post more pictures this weekend of my beautiful baby boy!


More Pictures From Jonah's First Two Weeks of Life

Two Weeks

It has now been two weeks since Jonah was born. He is doing so well. He had his two week well visit to the doctor this week and it turns out he does have an eye infection so he is on antibiotics. In the last day his appetite has increased dramatically. He is eating all the time. I am hoping that this is just a phase he is going through because it is hard to provide that much milk for him. It helps that the freezer is stockpiled with pumped milk Just in case. Eli is doing great with him. We had one scare with the dog, but he seems to love Jonah (or at least tolerate him). We will see how Eli does when my parents are back in town tomorrow (Eli doesn't like strangers in his house). Joe has to go back to work on Monday. I am really going to miss all the time we were able to spend together as a family. Joe is a wonderful dad. He took care of Jonah last night for both feedings and I was able to sleep through the night! What a great gift to give a sleep deprived new mom. I am glad that my parents will be around for the next week as I get adjusted to our new schedule. This is hard work, but with the best payoff ever!


One Week Old

Wow, what a week. What a life changing week. We have the most precious little boy home with us and we are doing great. He seems to be a pretty easy baby with a couple of poop incidents and a couple of long nights, but nothing major. I can't believe it has already been a week. Here are a few more pictures to tide everyone over.