Here is our new light fixture we purchased at IKEA. I love it! Joe did a great job installing it over the dining room table. I thought you would all like to see it!
Odds and Ends for June
We had a great June. We traveled, celebrated, laughed, cried, and slept (a little). Here are some recent pictures we took.
Two Month Doctor Visit
First of all I want to wish my fabulous husband a happy 4th anniversary, I love you! We were able to go out to watch a movie (UP which is wonderful) and eat out at our favorite restaurant. Thank you to Grandma Hodson for babysitting. Jonah weighs in at 14 pounds 3 ounces (90%). He did very well at the doctor's office. He actually cried less than I did with his immunizations. The bad news is that he has a strawberry something or another on his forehead. This thingy usually doesn't go away. It should fade before he turns 3, but there is a chance it could stay or get bigger. He is still a cutie no matter what. He is doing well now, he did have a slight fever but the office warned me of that and I am prepared with children's Tylenol. Well, he kept me up last night so I am off to bed while Joe stays up.
Two Months
Jonah is two months old today. I can't believe how fast the time went. He gets cuter every week. Right now he is looking adorable swinging away in his little lamb swing (which we couldn't live without). We have our 2 month doctors check up tomorrow. I am a little worried because I have to go alone this time and he is getting 3 immunizations. They make you hold him down and I couldn't do it last time, Joe had to. He is smiling all the time now and sometimes he will give out a little laugh. He loves his cousin Grace and will smile a lot for her. He also loves being with his daddy. They had a great time together on Father's Day. He will sit and stare at Joe and just smile. He is going to be a daddy's boy. Here are a few of my favorite pictures that I have taken recently. I will update tomorrow after our doctors appointment. I am sure you are all curious how much the chunky monkey weighs in at.
Happy Father's Day
A Day in Cincinnati
Jonah took his first road trip today with Joe and I. We went to Cincinnati to visit Joe's grandma and to go to IKEA. We had a lot of fun with grandma, and she was very excited to meet Jonah. Jonah loved her and gave her a lot of Jonah smiles. After our visit, we went to the new IKEA in the Cincinnati area. We don't currently have an IKEA in Indiana (IKEA people what are you waiting for?) so this was the closest one to us. I fell in love at first sight. I have seen catalogs and I have heard other people praise the store, but I had never actually been inside one. I LOVE IT! The decor is very modern contemporary which is the style Joe and I both love. I could furnish our entire house from that store. In fact, Joe and I talked about going there after we buy our next house. Jonah did well during the trip. He had a mini-meltdown in IKEA, but Jonah's meltdowns are very minor in comparison. Tomorrow is Father's Day and we will be going up to Noblesville to share it with Joe's dad. Today is my dad's 60th birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! I wish we were there to celebrate with you, but we will see you in a few short weeks!
7 weeks
Jonah is 7 Weeks Old... Here are some recent pictures!
What... you talking to me?
Jonah is looking very cute in his pajamas he got from Grandma Headrick!
Another Jonah Smile.
No Longer a Newborn
Baseball Weekend
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