I realize that I haven't been very good at updating my pregnancy this time around. I wish I could say that I was one of those women who love being pregnant, but I really don't and therefore I haven't been a very good updater. My mom taught me that if you can't say anything nice... well you know the rest.
For the most part, this has been an uncomplicated pregnancy. I do have a fibroid tumor that they have been watching throughout the pregnancy, but really all it has done is gotten me a few more ultrasounds than I would have had. I did have a very large one of these removed right after I got married which is why I scheduled a c-section for TJ and this one. If everything goes according to plan, our baby girl will be here on May 9th.
We just had an ultrasound done on Thursday and we got a treat! The technician showed us what our baby looks like in 3D. Here are a couple of my favorite images.

She looks a lot like her big brother! I am so glad I got these photos for her baby book. Like her Mama, she hasn't been very photogenic in her past pictures and I was starting to get worried I wouldn't get a good one for her baby book.
We haven't decided on a name yet. We want something classic, but not too popular. Combine that with the fact that I am a teacher and certain names bring up memories that I don't want to associate with my child, and we are struggling on finding a perfect name for our little girl. We are thinking of having a short list and when she is born choosing one that fits. Any suggestions?
I am excited to design the nursery during my Spring Break in a couple of weeks. TJ is getting a twin bed so we can use his mattress in the crib. As they will be sharing a room for now, my husband and I will be switching our room with the kids' so that they have some extra space. I hope I can get this all done in a week! I will be sure to post some before and after pictures when I get started.
I will try to be better about posting about the pregnancy in my last 8 weeks! In the meantime, be sure to check out my Virtual Baby Shower that is going on all this month. I have so many wonderful products to showcase in the next few weeks including a giveaway of a 4Moms Momaroo!
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