Its true, today you turn three! There is an anticipation in the air for the arrival of your little sister in a couple of weeks, but you remain oblivious to it all. All you want to do is play with your cars and trucks and have a good time. Over the past year your vocabulary has grown tremendously. You love to lay down at night and have "talks" with mommy and daddy. In fact, last night you didn't go to be until about 10 at night because you were so proud of yourself for going "pee pee" on the toilet. Mommy and daddy are so proud of you!

You are such a big boy! You love playing with your cousin and you are both in the same class in Preschool. Trucks, robots, and tractors are your favorite things at the moment. You still love watching Mickey Mouse and Jake on Disney Jr but now Cars 2 is your absolute favorite thing to watch. You love race cars so much that this year for your third birthday party we are having a race car theme.

This year you have developed a great sense of humor. Your laugh is contagious. You and daddy can get to laughing so hard that it hurts just to listen to you. Daddy just started making some Daddy-TJ movies that are hilarious. You love to watch them and laugh at yourself.

You can still throw an amazing tantrum, and often do around dinner time. I can't for the life of me get you to try new foods. You like what you like and that's that. Dinner is often a struggle and to be honest isn't my favorite time of the day.

You love your family, including your little sister. You have come up to mommy's belly and talked to her. I don't think you really understand yet that there is an actual baby in there since you think you have a baby in your belly too. In a few short weeks you will meet her. You love going to Grandma and Pop Pop's house, and they love having you over. You will only let Grandma Headrick fix your froggy blanket which is your most prized possession that we can't leave home without. You love flying in airplanes to go to Idaho to visit mommy's family. And, sometimes you love your puppy, Eli.

I recently was kicked in the face with the reality that not everything lasts forever. One of my students passed away a couple of weeks ago at the age of six. I am still devastated. I think that she taught me a lot more than I taught her in the past 14 months. She taught me to live life every day like it was your last day. Her family taught me the meaning of love and dedication. When I look at you I think about that all the time. I am so honored to be your mommy. I never realized that I could love anything as much as I love you. I hope that I can be a role model for you to follow your dreams and live like each day is your last. This next year is going to bring with it so many changes, but one thing that will never change is how much I love you!
Happy Birthday Boogers!
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