This past month has been very difficult with getting a routine together for the beginning of school. I don't has much time to spend with my kids which has made me struggle lately. Caroline continues to be the sweetest little girl! She is constantly happy except when she is hungry (she takes after her mommy). We just had her 4 month check up on Thursday and here are her stats:
Weight: 14 pounds 2 ounces 59% Percentile
Length: 24.5 inches 54% Percentile
Head: 40.5 cm 33% Percentile
Caroline didn't have a three month appointment, but we did take some pictures to see how she was growing. Just so you know, she isn't wearing the same pair of shorts, I got them in multiple sizes because I thought they were so cute!
She has grown so much in 4 months! I swear her hair is turning red and it is most definitely lighter than it was when she was born.
In less than a week I have to leave my family for a little bit to go home to celebrate my grandma's birthday and then I head to LA to attend the Frankenweenie red carpet event with Disney. It is going to be very difficult to be away from them. I haven't been away from Jonah for over two days (and that was my last trip to LA). I am a little anxious about leaving them, but I know daddy has this under control.
I love watching her grow, but a part of me wishes that she would stay small forever!
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