Jonah's comercial March 14, 2014
Wordless Wednesday ~ Summer Time/Beach Time June 10, 2014
Wordless Wednesday ~ Meeting the Mouse and Other Tidbits June 17, 2014
Wordless Wednesday ~ Tornados and Selfies July 3, 2014
Wordless Wednesday ~ Its Been Awhile! September 3, 2014
Wordless Wednesday ~ Football Family Fun! Sept. 23, 2014
Wordless Wednesday ~ We are on Vacation! #KatTravels October 8, 2014
Wordless Wednesday Dec. 16, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday December 30, 2009
Wordless Wednesday December 23, 2009
Mom Freak Out.... Thanks Doc Jan. 27, 2010
Wordless Wednesday January 6, 2010
BJ is learning how to crawl. He has done the army crawl before this past weekend. As you can see he is getting up on all fours and trying to do it the big boy way. He gets frustrated because he slips back to his tummy on the hardwood floors, but I bet he will be zipping around before you know it. I can't believe how fast he has grown, 9 months on the 24th!
Wordless Wednesday Jan. 13, 2010
Wordless Wednesday Winter Wonderland Feb 10, 2010
Go Colts! Feb 7, 2010
Wordless Wednesday- Racecar Robber Feb 3, 2010
BJ's Doctors Appointment March 1 2010
Wordless Wednesday Face Full of Smiles Feb. 24 2010
Wordless Wednesday A Family Super Bowl Feb. 17, 2010
The Colts lost, but we enjoyed BJ's first Super Bowl anyway. We had to get a picture of the family (football is big in our house). Congratulations New Orleans.
Wordless Wednesday Guitar Love March 17, 2010
Wordless Wednesday- Best Buddies March 10, 2010
I am not sure what is going on with these two but lately they are becoming inseparable. Eli is constantly around BJ. At night he will visit him in his room and just stare at the crib like he is waiting for BJ to come out and play. When BJ is crawling around Eli will just follow him. These two boys are becoming the best buddies.
Our Crazy Easter April 4, 2010
I was really looking forward to Easter this year. Last year I was very pregnant and we went over to my in-laws house for an Easter egg hunt with our niece. This year there are 2 new additions to the family and I was excited for our egg hunt and family brunch. Well things don't always turn out the way you think they will. Unfortunately, this year's Easter corresponded with our school district's Spring Break and most of my family was out of town. So, we had our own little family Easter Celebration. We decided that we would go out for an early breakfast at this new diner down the street and then come back and have an Easter egg hunt for BJ. We got up and got dressed up and headed out, and that is when all the problems started. The diner down the street was closed for Easter (I mean come on! A breakfast joint closed for Easter? Isn't that like one of their busiest days?) Now where do we go? We talked back and forth about where to go and decided on this cute little restaurant across the street that we have been meaning to try for a long time. The parking lot was empty, but my husband ran in to make sure it was open and it was. They sat us down at a nice table and left us with the menu. The items on the menu sounded delicious, I ordered the Creme Brule French Toast and my husband ordered biscuits and gravy with sausage. The food arrived and I have to say that I was immediately disappointed. I thought I was getting french toast but instead I got this custard, quiche like substance that was barely warm and was definitely not fresh. I took a couple of bite and I couldn't eat anymore. I had the bacon that went with it and it was crunchy but also not fresh. My husbands food looked disgusting and he said it tasted like it came out of a jar. With our drinks, tip, and food we spent $30 and then I went to the local donut shop for something to eat.
Wordless Wednesday Outta My Way Mom March 30, 2010
Wordless Wednesday Froggy Love March 24, 2010
My son loves his frogs. He has a frog lovey that he sleeps with and cuddles with every night. He also loves this frog hooded towel. Isn't he the most adorable little 11 month old (today) you have ever seen!
Wordless Wednesday Easter April 6, 2010
I posted a few pictures from Easter earlier in my Easter Post, but here is another sweet picture of BJ from our Easter Weekend.