My little man was born!

I can't believe you turn a year old today. People have always told me that they grow up fast, but I had no idea what they truly meant until I became your mom. I wanted a child for a long, long time. There was a point in my life that I wasn't sure if I would be able to have kids, but I am so happy that I was able to.

Your arrival was scheduled. We had an appointment for my cesarean section and we made it to that date. Of course everything doesn't always go according to plan and they had to take you a little early because your little heart rate plummeted about an hour before my scheduled surgery. We were nervous, but I can't explain the feeling that went through me when I heard your little cry for the very first time. Daddy made sure you were okay and then brought you over to me so I could give you my first kiss. I haven't been that happy in my entire life.

You have been relatively healthy this year. We have had a rough road with your eczema and allergies, but every day your skin is looking a little better. You have a strawberry hemangioma on your forehead that I don't even notice anymore and should disappear before you even are able to ask what it is. You are perfect!

From what I understand about babies, you have been an easy one. You are happy. Your favorite thing to do right now is to take off crawling across the floor and look back at us chasing you and laugh. You love the camera and smile most of the time when I take your picture. Your a little daredevil that is going to give your mom a stroke one of these days if it continues. You love sweet potatoes.

Your best friend has been your puppy Eli. You two love each other so much. I am amazed at how much patience Eli has with you when you poke him in the eyes all the time. I can tell you from experience that Eli doesn't have that kind of patience with everyone, just his little brother.

I love you more than words can possible say, and I hope one day you have a child of your own so that you can truly understand how much you mean to me. Happy Birthday, Mommy and daddy love you!
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