BJ had his follow-up doctor's appointment a week ago to check on his weight gain and gross motor skill development. Since the last time I posted about his doctor's concerns, BJ has started to pull up and cruise around the table as well as bending down and picking up objects. The doctor was pleased with his progress. He has gained a half of a pound since his 9-month checkup and the doctor seemed okay about that. What was concerning was the fact that BJ has been throwing up about twice a week after eating. The doctor sent my husband and BJ down to the imaging center to take an inside look at BJ's stomach to be sure that there wasn't anything we needed to be concerned about. They took pictures and didn't see anything that would be causing BJ to throw up. They concluded that BJ's gag reflex isn't fully developed yet and he will outgrow this throwing up in a few months.
I have been very cautious with over-feeding BJ because he seems to gag more when he is full, and this week he didn't throw up at all! That is until today. It seems like just when I am starting to not worry about the little guy he gives me something to worry about. I wasn't around today when he threw up (I was at the gym trying to work off those last few pregnancy pounds), so I had to rely on my husband's expertise that he overfed him.
The doctor said that the eczema on BJ's face had gotten so bad that it is now infected. He prescribed some cream that has been working great for the past week. The downside of this magical cream is the price tag. We have insurance (decent insurance) and we still had to pay $80.00 for this small tube of cream! What exactly are my insurance premiums going towards if I still have to pay $80 on a generic prescription? To make matters worse I accidentally left his cream on his nightstand after applying it one night and my dog Eli got into it (he has an obsession with steroid cream, this isn't the first, or second, tube of prescription cream that he has eaten in his lifetime) and now it comes out the sides as well as the top. Luckily BJ's face is looking so much better that he doesn't need it.
I can't believe how much doctors appointments scare me these days. Every time he goes we come back with something else we need to worry about with him. I guess worrying about him will last my lifetime!
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