BJ turned 9 months old on Sunday. Earlier in the week my husband brought BJ to the pediatricians office for his 9 month checkup. I had to fill out this 5 page questionnaire about BJ's development beforehand, so I knew that they were going to talk about how he is developing. I have a degree in early childhood so I wasn't worried about how BJ was growing. I thought he was doing fine. Well... the doctor told my husband that she was worried about BJ's gross motor skills. His fine motor skills are very skilled, but they said he should be able to pull himself up by now and he should be able to stand, bend down and pick up an object and stand back up without falling. And on top of that he hasn't gained any weight in 4 months so they are concered about him. (he weighs 19 lbs and 3 ounces). Way to freak out a new mom! Now I am overly concerned about every little thing he does or doesn't do. Should I be freaking out? I don't know. I haven't been a mom before. I was under the impression that when your child starts to crawl he would lose weight. Do kids develop at their own pace? Should I freak out and call the child development people from the state to come and evaluate him? (The doctor also suggested that we could do this) HELP!
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