Last weekend we celebrated BJ's first birthday with a monkey themed party with close family members. BJ's grandparents flew in from Idaho just like they did a year ago to spend some quality time with BJ. Here are a few pictures from the big day.

BJ and his "Camera Face". It is adorable how he gets a big grin on his face when you are taking his picture.

BJ didn't eat any of his cake. He didn't like the frosting on his fingers and wouldn't even taste it. Maybe next year.

Here is BJ's "cake." I actually made 2 different kinds of cupcakes instead of a traditional cake.

This is the first kind of cupcake I made. It is a peanut butter cupcake with chocolate frosting decorated like monkeys. The other kind were banana cupcakes with a cream cheese frosting with birthday picks in them.

Here is BJ in his adorable birthday shirt we got from Stitcheroos. He had so much fun crawling in and out of the screen door. Luckily the rain held off and we were able to enjoy being outside.

Here is BJ and his cousin sitting in the wagon.

All the cousins couldn't resist taking a ride in the wagon up and down the street being pulled by PopPop.

Taking a break with Grammy and Gramps on the couch. It was a long, exciting, and perfect day!
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