

I have been doing a lot of thinking about life and love and family in the last few weeks. I keep thinking how blessed I am that I have such a strong foundation around me. One of our friends is undergoing brain surgery tomorrow, and I can't begin to understand what she is feeling today. She is strong, and she will be okay, but I feel so much for her. I want her to know how strongly she has touched those who know her. We love you!
My parents are flying in from Idaho for the reception in Indy this weekend. I am really excited to show off our house to my father for the first time. I love owning this house. It is still a work in progress, but I think were doing okay.
I have Jury Duty this week, so far I haven't been called in to the court house, but I have two days left to call. I find this whole process interesting. I wonder how they decide which groups to call. I thought they would do it in sequence, but it seems random. We'll see what happens with that!

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