
Wordless Wednesday Puppy Love July 27, 2011


Wordless Wednesday - Bubbles with Great Grandma Aug 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Orb Spider 9/20/11

Surprise Nov. 16, 2011

Some of my faithful readers may have noticed that my posts have not been as consistent as in the past. There has been a really good reason for it. TJ is going to be a big brother! That's right, my husband and I are expecting our second child in early May. I am about 14 1/2 weeks along and doing fine. This little one has been making mommy very sick. I have been on four different medications trying to feel better, but finally it seems like I am coming out of the nausea fog. I went to the doctor today and so far I have lost a pound, but that was better than my last visit where I was down four pounds. I am hopeful that I can return to my blog in the manner that I have in the past and start posting more often. I hope you come back and keep updated on our pregnancy. We will be able to find out the gender next month!
Thank you for being a part of our journey!


Toddler Talk - What is in Mommy's Belly December 19, 2011

J told me this story a few months ago. He told me what I had in my belly and what he had in his belly. What cracked me up is what he decided daddy had in his belly. He will tell this to anyone who asks. I had to get it on video. Its a little dark, but so adorable! Gotta love the poop talk!     http://www.youtube.com/embed/L6HlCJkPU20

Wordless Wednesday - Super Bowl Village Jan. 31, 2012

We visited the Super Bowl Village this past weekend. Here are some of the pics!
TJ loved the Indy Cars... They had one for each of the 32 NFL teams
TJ and I in the Village"

We are so excited to host the Super Bowl this weekend! GO GIANTS!!!

Wordless Wednesday - Getting Ready to Build a Snowman January 24, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Taking a Break Jan. 17, 2012

Being a kid is hard work!

Wordless Wednesday - Watching Mickey With My Grams Jan10, 2012

Gotta love the iPad!

Wordless Wednesday - Cousin Love January 4, 2012

These two are going to best buddies!!!!

Mommy Confessions - Sometimes I Take the Long Way Home on Purpose

Not that I am proud of it, but sometimes I have to take the long way home or hit traffic on purpose. My day is long. It starts at about 6 in the morning as I get ready for work and then wake TJ up and get him ready for preschool. We leave the house at 7, I drop him off and get into work at about 7:30. My students and I are together from 8 until they get on the bus at 2:30. I then have an hour to prepare for the next day (or have a meeting, which is seeming to happen a lot these days). Then I tutor students in grades 1 and 2 until 5:30. Basically I am with kids from 7 until 5:30. Here comes the guilt! TJ goes to bed at 7:30. If I rush home I have about an hour and a half with him. But sometimes I just need the peace and quiet of the car to calm me down. It is the only time of the day where I am alone. So... sometimes I hit traffic, or go the long way home on purpose, just for an extra couple of minutes to myself. Does this make me selfish?

Wordless Wednesday - Bubble Fun

Wordless Wednesday - My Little Race Car Driver

He is currently obsessed with race cars. His birthday is next month... I think it will have to have a race car theme!

Wordless Wednesday - Bellies and Kites March 13, 2012

I finally have a belly picture! This poor baby has gotten the shaft when it comes to mommy documenting her pregnancy. I hope to make up for it with lots of pictures after she is born. Here I am at 30 weeks:
We have been experiencing lovely weather here in the Midwest... we celebrated by flying kites over the weekend. Here are some of my favorite pictures:
The dog got a little bored!

30 Week Pregnancy Update March 10,2012

I realize that I haven't been very good at updating my pregnancy this time around. I wish I could say that I was one of those women who love being pregnant, but I really don't and therefore I haven't been a very good updater. My mom taught me that if you can't say anything nice... well you know the rest. For the most part, this has been an uncomplicated pregnancy. I do have a fibroid tumor that they have been watching throughout the pregnancy, but really all it has done is gotten me a few more ultrasounds than I would have had. I did have a very large one of these removed right after I got married which is why I scheduled a c-section for TJ and this one. If everything goes according to plan, our baby girl will be here on May 9th. We just had an ultrasound done on Thursday and we got a treat! The technician showed us what our baby looks like in 3D. Here are a couple of my favorite images.  
She looks a lot like her big brother! I am so glad I got these photos for her baby book. Like her Mama, she hasn't been very photogenic in her past pictures and I was starting to get worried I wouldn't get a good one for her baby book.
We haven't decided on a name yet. We want something classic, but not too popular. Combine that with the fact that I am a teacher and certain names bring up memories that I don't want to associate with my child, and we are struggling on finding a perfect name for our little girl. We are thinking of having a short list and when she is born choosing one that fits. Any suggestions?
I am excited to design the nursery during my Spring Break in a couple of weeks. TJ is getting a twin bed so we can use his mattress in the crib. As they will be sharing a room for now, my husband and I will be switching our room with the kids' so that they have some extra space. I hope I can get this all done in a week! I will be sure to post some before and after pictures when I get started.
I will try to be better about posting about the pregnancy in my last 8 weeks! In the meantime, be sure to check out my Virtual Baby Shower that is going on all this month. I have so many wonderful products to showcase in the next few weeks including a giveaway of a 4Moms Momaroo!

Pregnancy Update - Week 34 April 6, 2012

I had Spring Break this week (thank goodness) and wanted to switch our room with the kids' room. We live in a very small house with only two bedrooms and ours was the larger room. Since the kiddos need to share a room until we move, we wanted them to have the bigger space. I thought a week was plenty of time to do it... I guess I didn't account for my moody behavior and lack of motivation! I am not a very pleasant pregnant women these days. Yesterday I burst into tears when my husband asked me to put my shoes away. And then I was mad at him for hours afterwards. My back aches constantly. I can't sit in one spot for more than 5 minutes. I can't breathe. I waddle. At my doctor's appointment on Wednesday, I learned that I am going to get one more ultrasound. While most women would be excited about this, I was a little bummed because I feel like there is something else besides this fibroid that I should be worried about. I mean, I have had about 8 ultrasounds this pregnancy. My doctor keeps assuring me that everything looks great, but I still wonder. I think I am paranoid. After this one, I am done being pregnant. I am grateful I can have babies, but this is it! Then I look through TJ's baby pictures and I am reminded why I am doing this:

Rant Over!


Wordless Wednesday - Little Fireman April 3, 2012

We had such a nice day today. We spent some time playing on TJ's firetruck and we went to the zoo! How did you spend your day?

I have been taking a little break... May 13, 2012

... wouldn't you? I mean just look at this adorableness that I have to hang around all day. It is a miracle if I get anything done!

Baby Girl's First Few Days

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day! We celebrated at home with my mom still in town. I loved that I was able to spend a Mother's Day with her. I haven't had the chance since TJ was born. I got the best present this year... my completed family! How did you spend your Mother's Day?

She is Here! May 10, 2012

We welcomed Caroline Jayne into the world on May 9th at 12:15 pm. She weighed in at 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 20 inches long! Baby and mommy are doing great! More pictures and birth story to come!

The Daddy Letters May 8, 2012

Dear TJ, It is late on Monday night, May 7th, 2012. It has been quite some time since I've written one of these. I figured, with everything going on, I was due. A couple of days ago, we celebrated your 3rd Birthday. Actually, you turned the ripe old age of 3 on April 24th but we waited until your Grandparents were in town from Idaho to throw you a party. You had a great time. Race cars, trains, airplanes, oh my! Well. What can I say? Your little sister will be born soon. In about 36 hours. Your mother has a scheduled C-Section at noon on May 9th. As much as I hear all the stories about midnight trips to the hospital, last minute phone calls to family members and hastily packed overnight bags, our situation doesn't seem odd to me. We knew exactly when you would be born. We know when your sister will be born as well. Please note that I say this with complete knowledge that I am, in fact, the one NOT being cut open, but I rather like this method of bringing a child into the world. I like knowing when the baby will come. When we had you, we showed up at the hospital at 10am, signed some papers, hooked your mother up to some tubes, and took you out at exactly 12:01pm. That is a hair over two hours... I've had oil changes that have taken longer than that. Again, I know, I'm not the one under the knife, but I think your mother agrees that it's not so bad considering the other method of getting you out. Also, her parents (your grandparents) were able to travel from Idaho and be here. This was very important to us. They didn't have to buy a last minute plane ticket to come see you after you were born. They got to sneak into your room minutes after you were born and meet you. Now, they are here again. For your birthday party. For your sister. I was watching TV last night and your mother came into the room and grabbed a book off the book self. She giggled and held up "What to Expect the First Year". She told me that it is occurring to her that she has forgotten almost everything involving the care of an infant. She's right. In the last three years, we've forgotten just about everything. One of the wonders of childhood is that there is always something new for you to discover. As you discover it, so do we. We have only so much room in our memories to hold the old stuff. We're just trying to keep up with you. Will it come back to us with your sister? I'm certain most of it will. But I suppose, as I sit here late on this Monday night, it is worth a moment to pause and reflect what I have learned. What I have remembered. What I am carrying with me into this second round. I have learned a lot about crying. I have learned there are different cries. You have a frustrated cry. When I hear this, I have learned to assist and encourage you. You have a tired cry. When I hear this, it is time for bed. You have a tantrum cry. When I hear this, I ignore you and give you no energy at all. No positive or negative energy. You have a hurt/scared cry. When I hear this, I run as fast as I can to you. I have learned that a large part of successful parenting is redirection. You attention span is still about 3 minutes on the high end. I need to use this to my advantage. I have learned that your car seat (when you aren't in it) is a fantastic tool for safely carrying a six pack or a Growler of beer home from the local brewery. I have learned that single parents are rock stars. I don't know how they do it. They have my a full helping of my respect and adoration. Kat and I often have what we call "tap outs" when we need our partner to take over for a bit because we've run out of whatever it is that makes up parenting. I have learned that there is not one sound on this earth better than the pitter patter of your feet running on our hard wood floor. Not one. I have learned (actually I just learned this tonight) that I should ALWAYS make time to read a book with you. I should never be too busy to show you the wonders that reading can give you. We made you deal tonight; you could watch one more Disney show before bedtime, but you wouldn't be able to read a book. In hindsight, the whole "you can watch more TV if you read less" deal seems terrible, I know, but I am being honest here. You watched your show, I took you to bed. We cuddled and talked for a little while. Then I got up to leave and you said you wanted to read a book. I said we didn't have time. You grabbed my hand and pulled me toward you. You said, "I've got you daddy. I've got you and I'll never let you go." I laid back down, we talked some more and then I left. We didn't read that book. Shame on me. We will always have time to read from now on. Always. I've learned that parents make lots of mistakes and that children are incredibly forgiving. I have learned that, despite what medical science may say about this, kissing your injuries actually does make them feel better. But here is what I still haven't learned... I haven't figured out a way to describe parenthood adequately to someone who doesn't have children. I can't find the words to convey what this feels like. Words are important to me and it drives me insane to not be able to express this feeling. The closest I have is this: I tell them to picture a room. That room is deep, deep inside of them and in that room is the greatest love they could ever feel. Once they are there, I tell them to turn around and look over their shoulder. I tell them they have noticed another door leading out of that room, deeper inside of them that they didn't even know was there. A door they didn't even know was possible to exist. That door is where the love of your child is. TJ, this is the closest I can get to telling you how I feel about you. On Wednesday, I'm going to turn around again and there will be yet another door. I'm going to open it and I'm going to find your sister. I'm going to use all these things that I've learned from you. I want to take this time, right now, and thank you for that. There is still so much I don't know. What is the mark of a life well lived? How do we become truly happy inside? Am I where I'm supposed to be? How do we get you to eat vegetables? These are questions I think we all struggle with from time to time. Maybe there are no answers. Maybe we just do the best we can. No. I really believe there is an answer for everything. I'm going to continue to search. All I have so far, I put in these letters and I suppose that is a good start. But I'll tell you this. I know who I want with me while I search: You. Your mother. Your sister. Let's go on this adventure together. My oh my, what will the world hold for us? How can we not be excited if we take just one moment out of our busy lives to dream and to hope? To wonder what is around the next corner? I have come to the realization that the more we share, the happier we are. Humans are social creatures. We want to share our experiences. Just ask Mark Zuckerberg. To have a family that I can share all of these hopes and dreams with is quite certainly the greatest gift of all. Life... Well I suppose this is what I have learned: Life is a team sport. On Wednesday we will become a team of 4. 5 if you count the dog, and I suppose we should. He is quite a bit faster than all of us and has a pretty good vertical. Love, Daddy

Happy Third Birthday Little Man April 24, 2017

Its true, today you turn three! There is an anticipation in the air for the arrival of your little sister in a couple of weeks, but you remain oblivious to it all. All you want to do is play with your cars and trucks and have a good time. Over the past year your vocabulary has grown tremendously. You love to lay down at night and have "talks" with mommy and daddy. In fact, last night you didn't go to be until about 10 at night because you were so proud of yourself for going "pee pee" on the toilet. Mommy and daddy are so proud of you! You are such a big boy! You love playing with your cousin and you are both in the same class in Preschool. Trucks, robots, and tractors are your favorite things at the moment. You still love watching Mickey Mouse and Jake on Disney Jr but now Cars 2 is your absolute favorite thing to watch. You love race cars so much that this year for your third birthday party we are having a race car theme. This year you have developed a great sense of humor. Your laugh is contagious. You and daddy can get to laughing so hard that it hurts just to listen to you. Daddy just started making some Daddy-TJ movies that are hilarious. You love to watch them and laugh at yourself. You can still throw an amazing tantrum, and often do around dinner time. I can't for the life of me get you to try new foods. You like what you like and that's that. Dinner is often a struggle and to be honest isn't my favorite time of the day. You love your family, including your little sister. You have come up to mommy's belly and talked to her. I don't think you really understand yet that there is an actual baby in there since you think you have a baby in your belly too. In a few short weeks you will meet her. You love going to Grandma and Pop Pop's house, and they love having you over. You will only let Grandma Headrick fix your froggy blanket which is your most prized possession that we can't leave home without. You love flying in airplanes to go to Idaho to visit mommy's family. And, sometimes you love your puppy, Eli. I recently was kicked in the face with the reality that not everything lasts forever. One of my students passed away a couple of weeks ago at the age of six. I am still devastated. I think that she taught me a lot more than I taught her in the past 14 months. She taught me to live life every day like it was your last day. Her family taught me the meaning of love and dedication. When I look at you I think about that all the time. I am so honored to be your mommy. I never realized that I could love anything as much as I love you. I hope that I can be a role model for you to follow your dreams and live like each day is your last. This next year is going to bring with it so many changes, but one thing that will never change is how much I love you! Happy Birthday Boogers! Love, Mommy

36 Week Ultrasound Pictures April 20, 2012

I had another ultrasound yesterday to check on my growing fibroid so I got a lot of cute pictures of our little girl. I thought I would share some of them!
She looks just like her big brother!
Isn't She Adorable!

Here is her profile.

Here is her little foot!
I can't believe we will be seeing our little girl in less than 3 weeks. While it feels like I have been pregnant forever, these past couple of months have gone by quickly. I am not sure I am ready, but do you ever feel that way?