
8 days left!

I only have 8 days left of school. What am I going to do with myself? Oh yeah, I remember, look for a job! I am feeling the heat. I need to get a job lined up for next year or I might go insane. I do have my parents coming into town in two weeks to look forward to. We are frantically preparing for their arrival. We are doing chores we should have done a while ago. Nothing like company to light a fire. I am really looking forward to my parents visit. They will be meeting Eli and Grace for the first time. I hate that they live so far away, so any time we get to be together is appreciated. I am exhausted, I just finished grading a million papers. I must head to bed before 11.


P.S. Eli celebrated his first birthday 10 days after his uncle Scott. He spent the entire day passed out on the couch (he spent the previous day in doggy daycare so he was tired).

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