
Life After Football

What a couple of weeks! I went back to school last week, and I forgot how much energy kids take. I was exhausted by the end of the week, and I was looking forward to a great weekend of football. So, maybe I should have just slept all weekend so that I didn't have to see the Colts break my heart! Don't get me wrong, I am not a bandwagon fan, and I will never give up on my Colts. However, the Sunday game drained me of all of my emotions. I have never been to a more emotional game than the game against Pittsburgh. I was sad, excited, surprised, hopeful, ecstatic, angry, and depressed all in the matter of the last quarter of play. For those of you who know me, know that I put my heart out on my sleeve, and I do it for football. I am in mourning. I probably will be until training camp starts up again. Please don't call and talk to me about it, I really can't discus the game for another couple of months. I will now be cheering for Denver (much to some family friends delight).

On a lighter note, Andy and Emily are just waiting for one more phone call so that they can go get Grace from her orphanage. We are still collecting items to donate to the orphanage if you are interested. We still don't have an expected arrival date, but soon.

Joe is doing well. He is playing out almost every night on the weekends. He is still having fun and enjoying his band. What more could you ask for?

Well, the Colts season might be over for this year, but I still believe that 2006 is going to be the best year ever. I have hope!


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