
November 13, 2012 Caroline 6 month update

Caroline had a lot of first this month.
She started teething... ouch!
She started eating solids... yum!
She started playing with her brother... ahh!
She started looking like a little girl instead of a baby... no!
Caroline is my last baby, and as fun as it is to see her grow up and her little personality develop, I am so sad to be leaving the newborn baby stage. I have LOVED every minute being with her. Yes, even those late nights. They turned into special moments between the two of us that I may not see again.
Weight: 15 pounds 9.6 ounces 44% Percentile
Length: 26 inches 60% Percentile
Head: 42 cm 38% Percentile
We found out at her doctor's appointment that she has a double ear infection. I couldn't believe it. Our little girl is such an easy going baby, I had no idea! The only clue we had was that she stopped sleeping through the night a few times. I thought she was teething, but I guess I was wrong.
So far she has enjoyed eating solids. She really doesn't have a favorite, she has eaten every thing we have given her. She did give me a sideways glance when eating the peas. The doctor said we needed to start feeding her solids twice a day and to make sure the second feeding contains some protein. Daddy gave her some chicken and rice last night, and again, she loved it!
We have all gotten the flu this past week except for Caroline. She remains healthy in spite of her double ear infection. I hope it clears up before this weekend when we travel to Idaho. I am sure the plane trip won't be much fun with an ear infection. I am looking forward to seeing my niece and spending time with our family. Caroline will enjoy her first Thanksgiving with all her family!
I leave you with a few pictures from last month!

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